
The feeling

 Do you know the feeling when things are going in the right path? Remember how much you have struggled over the years? How you couldn't afford to make your business legal? Selling things at craft shows or other places hoping you never get asked for the sales tax number or ein number? How much time you spent doing the work pretending you are a legit business? I do and always used to say I was a business. Even go as far as making up fake papers all because the LLC cost hundreds, then the fee for the tax number and never being able to get a business checking account.  It has taken me time to really understand the feeling. Filed for the LLC,ein and the tax number all for $45 the city business license was $35 and the business checking account was $105 to open (was able to use the money right away). Now the nerves are on edge as I try to get some stock made before the grand opening.  The excitement of it becoming reality hasn't hit yet. Thinking when I make my first sale it will hit.

Learning new things

Have you ever just wanted to know how things are made? But, your fingers hurt or your back, etc. Have you given up on life or will you overcome it?  This is where I find myself. After working all my life from mowing at 9 years old, driving a tractor also at 9. To working on our small farm in Oklahoma at 12 until I left home at 16. From having 4 babies and losing one. From deaths doorstep in 1985 to kidney failure and other health issues now. I could just give up and do what other people at my age do. That's just not who I am. No way am I going to sit around all day watching tv. Sitting on the porch watching people walk by, etc.  At the age of 62 I decided I wanted to learn how to knit. Funniest sight was me holding a pair of needles trying to figure out how to just hold them and how I had no clue what I'm doing. To stopping the feeling of quitting. I found videos that showed me how to get it started and how to make blankets. Now it's nothing to grab my needles and start on

What is Sprinkle Boxes?

 Sprinkle Boxes is a baby shower store plus other items. We believe that the handmade items should be comfortable for the baby. No stiff or itchy things. If we don't like it why would we put it on a baby.  When searching for a name for my new store I wanted something different. The search began with finding a new term for baby shower. Yep, you guessed it that is what Sprinkle is. What it was showing is sprinkle the baby with love. Then for boxes is just that you can mix and match and create your own special box for the gift.  Now that you understand more of how the name came about lets talk about how it came about. When I was about 13 my aunt taught my mom and myself how to crochet. The hardest part was getting her to slow down enough for us to figure it out. Then life got in the way and I stopped for many years. I did make some baby blankets but only knew one pattern.  Jumping many years later, I'm 63 and still only knew the one pattern. I needed to come up with something to m